這幾天悶悶的 手又意外受傷害我今天早上有疑賽沒打到



突然想到之前看新聞 有一個得了國際大獎的巴克禮公園 在台南

網路上找了地圖 就在文化中心對面而已 吃完晚餐就過去散散心

那邊附近號稱是台南第三都會區 美輪美奐的

有高級大樓住宅區 高級餐廳 還有最新落成的德安百貨公司

進去巴德禮公園後 晚上人不少 除了家人帶著小孩 還有來運動的人之外

幾乎都是couple couple couple couple couple couple


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以下為小X打的行程簡介 ㄎㄎ  借來用用

行程    小x機車的里程數


出發            248

嘉義水上北迴    311

彰化肉圓        --

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 作者  kobenew ( )                                          站內  P-kobenew

 標題  今天真充實

 時間  2009/03/10 Tue 00:30:15





本來九點有課 我七點起床嫌太早又跑去睡了一下


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 作者  kobenew ( )                                          站內  P-kobenew

 標題  今天真充實

 時間  2009/03/08 Sun 22:01:46



今天下午 生平第一次聽付費演講




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75. We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us.




144. One sad voice has its nest among the ruins of the years.

It sings to me in the night, -  " I loved you."


一個淒涼的聲音,巢居在那千年的廢墟中。它在深夜裡向我唱著 - 我愛過妳 。


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It was my first time to came to English Corner yesterday.

The amount of students in English Corner was about 60 people.

I thought it was a good chance to met new friends, for we had to discuss many issues such as "Would you die for what you believe in?"

"What is Valentines Day about?"

"What do you think is the difference between Valentines Day in 500AD compared with now(2009AD)?"

(all above was about yesterday's topic "Valentines Day")


Of course, there was a lecturer introduced the topic first.

By discussing, we shared our thoughts and felt free to speak out English.

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2009/2/23(一)  14:30~17:30  雲平大樓東棟5樓社科院研討室
演講者 :廖建中 經理 (政經所89級校友,現任職於中國信託商銀)


03/16(一)  AM 11:00-13:00  圖書館B1會議廳

03/17(二)  1800~2000  圖書館B1會議廳

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同意 "男人的雙手是用來打天下,不是用來打女人的!"

本文引用自RainDog - 譴責家暴!蕾哈娜 (Rihanna) 加油

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This is the first time that I work with my notebook in library.

Library is god-damn-it quiet.

I feel some embarrassed when I use my mouse, for the “click” voice is a little loud.

Fortunately, the keyboard’s voice almost mute, so I begin to type articles there.


After doing my work in library, I went home and wanted to try surfing at home.

The first way I’ve tried was Bluetooth. I hope I could connect notebook with PC and surfing by PC’s network.

I’ve tried for almost two hours, but it still didn’t work.

Suddenly, something came to my mind: I have wireless card for PC.

Maybe I could use this to serve as wireless AP.

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It seems that every day is a good day.

Last night, I reinstall my project environment on my notebook.

Let’s make a note:


Java’s environmental variables


C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_12




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